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As Super Typhoon Doksuri heads towards Southeastern China, ports and airports are expected to suspend part or all of their operations. Experts expect Typhoon Doksuri to impact China on Friday morning somewhere between Dongshan and Putian in the southeastern province of Fujian. Coastal cities in Fujian have already started closing factories.

One of KRIEGER Worldwide’s partners shared the following insight, “It is expected that before the typhoon makes landfall, a number of ports in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Ningbo, Xiamen and Shantou will suspend part or all of their port operations one after another today and tomorrow, including empty and heavy container delivery and pickup operations!”

We anticipate some delays due to Typhoon Doksuri, if you have any questions please reach out to your KRIEGER Worldwide representative.

Panama Canal to Restrict Number of Daily Vessel Transits

The Panama Canal Authority announced plans to help conserve water due to an ongoing drought. Beginning July 30, 2023, the daily transit capacity of the Panama Canal will be adjusted to an average of 32 ocean-going vessels per day, with 10 vessels in the Neopanamax locks and 22 vessels in the Panamax locks. The ACP warns capacity may be further adjusted based on factors such as Gatun Lake level, weather forecasts, and vessel mix. The ACP says it will give full containerships priority during the 2nd and 3rd booking periods, beginning August 1 and 19, respectively. Any remaining slots will be assigned based on customer ranking.
