By Customer’s request to Broker to arrange the Carriage, Customer agrees to these Brokerage Terms and Conditions of Contract, which no agent or employee of the parties may alter. Customer will prepare a bill of lading for the Carriage, or Broker, its authorized agents, or contracted motor carriers or freight forwarders will do so on Customer’s behalf. Customer agrees that the Carriage is subject to these Brokerage Terms and Conditions of Contract, which are also available online at The defenses and limits of liability stated in these Brokerage Terms and Conditions of Contract shall apply in any action against Broker under any legal theory, whether in contract, tort, bailment, indemnity, contribution, or otherwise.
Customer understands and agrees that Broker is a Title 49 property broker with such operating authority from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration—docket number MC-1505544-B. Customer understands and agrees that as to the Carriage, Broker is neither a motor carrier nor a freight forwarder (collectively, “Carriers”) and that Broker does not hold itself out in those capacities. Customer understands and agrees that Broker will contract Carriers to perform the Carriage or, alternatively, another property broker to arrange it.
If at any time and for any reason the performance of the Carriage of the Goods is or is likely to be affected by any hindrance, risk, delay, difficulty, or disadvantage of any kind, other than the inability of the Goods to be safely or properly carried or carried further, and howsoever arising (even though the circumstances giving rise to such matters as stated above existed at the time this contract was entered into or the Goods were received for shipment), the Carrier in question, at its sole discretion, without prior notice to Customer and irrespective of whether the Carriage has commenced, may treat the performance of the Carriage as terminated and place the Goods at Customer’s disposal at any place that the Carrier, in its sole discretion, deems to be safe and convenient, at which place the Carriage shall cease. Broker shall nevertheless be entitled to full freight for the Carriage of the Goods and Customer shall pay any additional costs of transportation to and delivery and storage at such place.